Monday, December 15, 2008

Hurling the 10 1/2

"AP BAGHDAD - An Iraqi reporter who threw his shoes at President George W. Bush was being held for questioning by the Iraqi prime minister's guards, an official said Monday, as Arabs across the Middle East hailed the incident as a proper send-off to the unpopular U.S. president."

While im no George W. Bush fan, I was amazed at the incident as a whole. I mean really here we are in 2008 and a would be aggressor feels it imperative to launch a loafer at the head of a foreign dignitary. Now we understand in Arab tradition just showing the sole of your shoe to someone is a sign of extreme disrespect, and striking someone with them is even worse. I do believe that the reporter who relieved himself of footwear was, in "his mind" : right. We will leave that as a question for someone else to answer; because everyone always feels justified for their own actions no matter the outcome. Good Vs Evil is a vague stereotype of social standing and mores of the current locale.

I dont bring this up to admonish the actions but to pose the what ifs... lets suppose he wore a size 12 instead; that first shot was pretty damned close he could have clipped the W and really had a beating layed down on him by the crowd, damn, they jumped the guy pretty good with the miss anyway. Still cant believe he had time to throw 2 shoes...but what if he had squared the W up in the jaw causing him to spin and the second one had acted more like the Knockout punch in some of those Boxing video games. Would the incident have caused international issue? With all the crap going on today this was comical light in a dismal pool for about 3 seconds. The look of of sheer WTF did you just throw your shoe?!? Was hilarious. Kruschev once slammed his shoe to get attention in the UN and it will go down in history as a moment of Soviet aggression but this one takes the cake and a hilarious end to an outrageous 8 years of W reigns.

So W I suggest your saying goodbye to the foreign governments would be best done by phone or email... what would the germans throw? probably a BMW lets see ya dodge one of those.

its always cold down here in the zero.....

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