Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Wake up for the holidays...

Count me as one of those purists who believe that people should be able to believe in what they believe without provocation from others. The old questions arise is there a Santa? Does the Easter bunny carry a basket and where did he get the eggs? Why isnt it an Easter chicken? This all goes without saying to each his own. As we near the holiday season i am happy that everyone has the where-with-all to slow down eat and recharge for the new year.

Recently I have seen a rash of crazy stuff out there that just makes me wonder how certain individuals look at themselves and smile after they push an envelope that in my eyes is on the verge of just outright bitterness and hatred. A perfect example is the whole theory on Santa. When is the right time for the real news to get out when the kids are 12, 15 ?? My house has always had a Santa and a Kris Kringle and an Elf who puts fruit in the shoes (note to self wash fruit before ingesting).

The trees are up and the kids are excited all over the world. Well except for one small class in England:

Thurs, Dec 11th
Daily Telegraph

"A primary school teacher left a class of 25 pupils in tears when she claimed Father Christmas did not exist, the supply teacher blurted: "its your parents who leave out presents on Christmas Day" when children were getting excited about Christmas.

The Class of seven year-olds at Blackshaw Lane Primary School, Royton, near Oldham, were distraught."

Um hello who gave you the inalienable right to destroy a tradition of family love and togetherness. Ok so you believe what you will and have a right to debate the issue but how mature are we to have to debate the issue with the or rather reprogram a bunch of 7 year olds?


Now on the other side of the Pond there is a movement to have Skinnier Santas..... HELLO!!!!!! Cut the portions stop eating your Mcdonalds and leave Santa alone!!! You'd be fat too if you were left cookies and milk by 2.1 billion people. Start worrying about your own.


Oh and to all these idiots whose lives are about the dollars and nonsense:

Governor Rod Blagojevich
Bernard Madoff


its always cold down here in the zero...


  1. Yeah, it's not right when others feel compelled to destroy other's beliefs, but it's most definitely a case of "get a clue you asshole" when you run around dashing childhood whimsy. I'm not a big Christmas guy, but let the kids dream while they still can... they don't get very long.

  2. You've been to Oldham (twice) - you shouldn't be at all shocked by the stupidity displayed there!!!
