Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Heating up? or cycling through?

GLOBAL WARMING run for the hills!!!!!!!!!! The water will rise icecaps will melt and oh yeah my house; the brown one, with the porch, in that small historic town. Yeah, im gonna have Beach front property. Wahoo!!!! Well, actually no. The whole global warming trend of stories that can be found all over those magazines and that web page and web rings and all those ECOblogs; the weather is warming a bit. I can remember when we had snow for December and we skated on local ponds and sledded all over town; not so much anymore. The average temperatures are a bit warmer and things are changing but this irrational media hype over climate change is going too far. I read somewhere that the next four years will be "imperative for the governing bodies of the world to take action." Um, yeah, well maybe that is true the imperative part of the next four years i mean with the global economics needing an overhaul. The Media has the wrong thermometer.

The mean global temperature, at least as measured by satellite, is now the same as it was in the year 1980. Over the 5 past years sea levels have stopped rising. Hurricane activity in the northern hemisphere is at a 24-year low and sea ice globally is also the same as it was in 1980. The storms maybe a little more devastating because of overcrowding and the population retreat to surrounding areas to get away from the urban populace. They built houses with a focus on land conversion for population growth putting some people in places that were hit 100 years before; the doom of historic amnesia. No im not all for devastation of peoples anywhere but im really getting fed up with the Panic and violence tactics of the media. Go back those 29 years to 1980 and take a look at how the media handled things. They didnt have a huge Internet competitor or 24 hour cable program to compete with; the media climate has changed.

The Newspapers and television now need to turn to sensationalism to attract readers as more people find their news from the internet. The local news needs to show you how violent things are around you so that you stay tuned. The local news reports have almost become serials. STAY TUNED "Why a 5 year old threw his best friend from a 5 story building in midtown!!!!" So we watch the commercials only to find that the kid was part of a science project about gravity and the best friend was his 4 inch tall POKEMON figure. This is irrational and faulty. Its bait and switch. Its rubbernecking on the TV. The audience wanted blood.

News today can be achieved from so many different places its time to blame the media for its tactics and cross reference your reports folks. No longer can one person, station or website be responsible for reporting what the news according to their side is.

GIVE ME THE UNBIASED TRUTH!!!! Then let me decide if it merits of my involvement. The world changes; look at ratios of temperatures over a 100 year period anywhere and you will see change. Spikes of change every 10 or so years...maybe we are just at the height of a 200 year cycle that will start to fall and in a 100 years if we are still around people will be talking of the next ICEAGE!!! It might be warming somewhere but its been damned cold here!!!!

Its always cold down here in the zero......


  1. Have missed hearing your opinions over the years!!!

  2. What, the liberal media not reporting the truth? Say it ain't so Shane! I personally miss ice skating, but I'm under the impression that the earth will recover whether we're on it or not. If we examine the records from the past few hundred thousand years, we'll see that a few millennia ago the average temperature fluctuated from ice age to extreme heat. Only in the last few thousand years have the temperatures stabilized enough to support development of life. We're lucky to be here at all, really. Sure, we can have an impact, but until the greedy 1% figure it out, and the rest of the WORLD complies, it's really not going to matter. Tell China and India to stop producing so much CO2. Oh, yeah, that's right. They already told us to f*ck off. Besides, it's not going to matter much when Iran starts throwing random nukes at Israel.
