Thursday, January 15, 2009

Stimulate this...(or how to throw gas on the fire)

SO its been crazy!! there have been plenty of things out there to write on or stories to relay but just not enough time in a day to get it done. I would love to say its been work related and that its been so great but My industry right now is just south of the bottom of the pool. Which really brings me to today government STIMULUS!!!!!!!!!!! (or how to throw money at the problem)

So the dems are talking about a new $850 billion stimulus package, would this be on top of the other Stimulus package already in place? Or was that money given to Madoff to hold by the car manufacturers until they could find buyers for their private jets. Not sure either...this blog started talking about recession and it hasn't changed. The government is still in flux for another oh say 90 days until all the hoopla dies down and we move on with life. This really sucks...everyone out there is going through the same Crap just a different day. You selling or buying...selling mostly but hey if we are all selling who the hell is buying?

So back to the new idea for a stimulus package....(drum roll please)

JOB CREATION!!!!! oh FDR here we come again...there is a whole argument here... did the programs that created jobs actually stop the depression or extend it. Well some Say that it wasn't until after WWII that we saw prosperity again. So Create jobs lets see whom do you create jobs for: and what if your union rates are better paying than my current employment can I go on the program? This whole thing sounds good but its another drop in a big empty bucket...that will pad the political vote machine.

I have a great idea: lets all stop using other peoples money...hold credit for a while. What? you say, but I have 5 kids and each one needs their own room and their own TV and Their own Computer. We are so space driven because growing up we didn't get the space but now that we have the available credit we go and jump on it. I am just as guilty.

(ME) <--------- (just added on to the house for more room for the family)

not because we didn't have the room to live but we had collected so much stuff that we were out of storage. SO now I am making a pact to get rid of stuff and reclaim space to payoff that credit...then I will have less stuff and twice the space...hmm that's kinda a big empty circle.

Yep that's the gist in today's struggle. Prices are going crazy, one minute its way cheap the next its way too much. HEY YOU!! Retailers and restaurants and suppliers who raised your prices because Gas was at $4 a gallon, YOU need to bring the prices back down....funny how that works "hey they are still paying that exorbitant price heh lets not change it, more for us" and the excuse: well we are still using the product that we bought when the prices were high... woohoo free money just get involved.

it just seems stupid to be spending more and going into more debt to get us out of a hole that was created by debt...Doesn't it? I sure am glad we have all those brilliant people in Washington working for us. What would all us dumb people do without them?

lets touch on this WWII thing...first FDR created jobs then we went to war and because we were at war we created military surplus for the war. Then the War was over so we had Military surplus and oh here we go....we sell the surplus to the highest bidder to correct our economic downfall and about 15 years later we go get involved in the conflict we started by shipping off weapons to make money....hmmmm maybe we just need to become arms dealers? let them blow each other up and hmmm maybe this goes to far but it worked didn't it?

i'm gonna go hide now maybe on Monday things will look brighter...

Its always cold down here in the zero...

1 comment:

  1. Not a bad idea! If we sell 2 b-2's at 500b, wouldnt' that pay for everything?
